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151 Rabbis Buried in Saloniki, Greece
During the Years: 5281 - 5460 (1521 - 1800 C.E.)

from the book:
Laniado, David Bension. [Book Dedicated to Aleppo Saints] Selection of Sephardic Rabbis Epitaphs
Addendum. Jerusalem, 1952 (Hebrew)
Index Compiled by Mathilde Tagger


Following after the Izmir Rabbis' epitaphs, there are 133 tombstone inscriptions of Saloniki Rabbis who died between the years 1509- 1675 and one from 1830.

Laniado didn't give any explanation about the addition of Saloniki Rabbis.

The spelling of the surnames and given names are according to transliteration laws from Hebrew letters to Latin ones.

The details provided here are:
1. The Surname
2. The Given Name
3. The Date of Death
4. Notes – only from time to time

Biographical details about R' Laniado can be read in the Damascus Epitaphs' Introduction.

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1. Consider alternative or partial spellings of names
2. Note: The epitaph of one Rabbi (given name of Abraham) buried in Saloniki (Greece) during this period had no surname.

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© Jeffrey Malka, 2007
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