Annotated Bibliography of Sephardic Genealogy and History
by Jeffrey Malka.
Books on Sephardic Genealogy and History, (divided by country and topic) Rabbinic biographic dictionaries, onomastics, etc.
Articles published in the Jewish Press
by Mathilde Tagger.
Has sections on biographies, cemeteries and inscriptions, family histories, Jewish life in the 12-15, 16-18, and
19-20th centuries. (in pdf format)
Printed Books on Cemeteries of Sephardic Communities among the Collections of the Jewish National and
University Library and the Ben Zvi Institute in Jerusalem.
by Mathilde Tagger
(in pdf format)
Annotated Index of North African Family Histories
by Mathilde Taqger
Based on Attal, Robert. Les Juifs d'Afrique du Nord: Bibliographie. New enlarged edition. Jerusalem,
Ben Zvi Institute, 1993
Bibliography of Greek Family Histories
by Mathilde Tagger.
Elkin's Bibliography for Latin American Jewish Studies 1991-96.
University of Texas Sefarad Bibliography.
UCLA Latin American Jewish Studies Bibliography (by country).
Libro: Library of Iberian books online
Bibliography for Anusim Studies
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