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Leroy, Beatrice. Jews of Navarre
Hispania Judaica, v.4

Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1985.
Index of names compiled by Mathilde Tagger

Beatrice Leroy, professor of medieval history in the University of Pau (Pyrénées Atlantiques, France), is a specialist in the history of medieval Navarre.

Situated in the northeast of the Iberian peninsula, Navarre is bordered by France to the north, Aragón to the east, La Rioja to the southwest, and the Basque Country to the west.


Leroy describes the history of the Jews in this small kingdom upto the time of the forced conversions or expulsion of Jews in 1498- the last Iberian expulsion after that of Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1497. Based on archival documents, the book relates various aspects of the life of Navarre's Jews, their economic activities and their work in the service of the Crown in this Christian kingdom founded between 1114 and 1115 after its conquest from the Muslims.

Leroy cites many names found in the documents she worked on and this enabled us to list 255 surnames and their given names, the locality and year they were mentioned, as well as the document number and/or the page.

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