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Portuguese Inquisition Trials
1853-1653 and 1716-1717
at the
Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People
(CAHJP) in Jerusalem
Index compiled and prepared by Mathilde Tagger and Jeff Malka

Portuguese Inquisition Tribunals


   The rich collection of the Central Archives for the History of Jewish People in Jerusalem includes microfilms of the Inquisition in Portugal that began after 1497 where many Jews, expelled from Spain, thought they had found some rest in that neighboring country.

  The CAHJP possesses microfilmed acts of 514 trials in the Inquisition courts of Lisbon, Coimbra and Evora, against converted Jews accused of practicing Judaism. Among these 514 tried Conversos, were 225 women and 277 men.

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© Jeffrey Malka, 2007
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