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Piles of Stones (Gal Avanim)
by Aharon Luzzatto (Hebrew)
Trieste, 1851
Index prepared by Mathilde Tagger

   Aharon Luzzatto, member of a well known rabbinical dynasty, published the tombstones inscriptions in honor of the first nine rabbis of the city of Trieste, Italy.
   The first burial dates from 1752 and the last one from March 1851. Several graves are those of victims of cholera epidemics that lasted from August 1849 to November of that year.
   92 individuals are buried in 88 graves, while four graves are for husband and wife or father and daughter who died the same day or a day apart.
   The surnames, typical of Italian Jewry were spelled as they usually are in Italy. The given names. mostly Hebrew ones were transcribed in Latin letters.

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