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Livorno 1841 Census
Mathilde Tagger

Introduction: The 1841 Livorno census

In 1841 a population census was carried out throughout the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to provide the state with a more accurate statistical documentation for military and taxation usage. The census was inspired and modeled on an earlier census ordered by Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo in 1767.

The execution of the census was delegated to the various parishes. Because of the large numbers of Jews living in Livorno, Pisa, Siena, Florence and Pitigliano a special census of Jews in those 5 cities was carried out of the "universita isrselitiche" of these cities. This Jewish census included the address of residence so as to avoid duplication with the parish censuses and the 11 columns of the standard census was thus slightly modified as follows: The census revealed 4,771 Jews in Livorno of which 2327 were male and 2444 female. There were 1178 families living in 264 houses.
78.4% of Jews living in Livorno were born in Livorno.
39.1% (1864 individuals) had no profession and these consisted of 1358 children, 219 adults, and 23 disabled persons.    

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