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Sephardic Ketubot
from Syria

Index prepared by
Mathilde Tagger


    The National Library of Israel located in Jerusalem has an online Database dedicated to ketubot (marriage contracts) from all over the world at: This database includes the marriage contracts from its own collection but also from various Israeli institutions such as the Ben Zvi Institute, Museum of Israel, etc as well as from large collections from outside the country such as the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York), the Dahan Collection (Brussels) etc.
    The present index includes ketubot from Aleppo and Damascus. The period covered by these ketubot begins from 1706 and ends in 1931 and includes more than 170 persons.
    For each ketuba, the researcher will find its url in order to be able to immediately view it as well as the surnames of the groom and bride, their given names and their fathers' names.
    The surnames are here spelled according to their usual forms as they were written in French. The given names are spelled according to transliteration rules.
Search the Database
(may use one or more search fields)

Search hints:
(See FAQ button for additional tips):
1. Check alternative spellings
2. Check partial spellings
3. The Consolidated Index of Sephardic Surnames search results includes the first names of the fathers. You can only search for groom and bride names in this search engine. To find the fathers search by surnames here. Fathers names will appear in the results.

Surname (Groom or Bride)
    Try partial names

Given Name (Groom, Bride, or father's)
    Try partial names

© Jeffrey Malka, 2010
this tool was created using Stephen P Morse's One-Step Search Tool generator

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