SephardicGen Home -> Databases -> Vienna Sephardic Graves

Some Sephardim Buried
in the Zentral Friedhof Cemetery
Vienna, Austria

Images by Celia Male
Index compiled by Mathilde Tagger

The very dedicated genealogist from the UK, Mrs. Celia Male, whose roots are in Vienna photographed 192 graves of Sephardim who lived and died in Vienna or who just died there. This is a small part of all the graves of Sephardim located in the Vienna Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery), Gate (Tor) I and Gate (Tor) IV.

In the present index the details of the buried Sephardim were taken from both the German (or French, Spanish or Ladino) and the Hebrew inscriptions in order to give a maximum of details. For example, sometimes given names were inscribed as initials in the German inscription while the Hebrew inscription listed the full names. Another example is the place of birth that appeared only in the Hebrew inscription.

We left the names of the birth places as they were inscribed, although they were the old place names: Constantinople or Andrinople instead of Istanbul and Edirne in Turkey, or Belgrade instead of Beograd in Serbia.

Many graves include more than one person. A column called "buried with" was added to maximize information.

The earliest burial dates from 1877 while the latest ones are from 1938, time of the Anschluss (Annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany) and the "Night of Broken Glass" and extermination the Vienna Jewish community. Moreover, several graves are those of Holocaust victims and the last burial is very recent- from 2002.

Should more Sephardic graves be photographed, we will be very pleased to add them here.

Thanks to Mrs. Celia Male who kindly gave us authorization to index her photographs.

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