Professor Yom Tov Assis is a member of the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as
well as head of Hispania Judaica Research Center that is part of the Institute.
Yom Tov Assis dedicated the sixth volume of the Hispania Judaica series to the small Jewish community of
Santa Coloma de Querlalt located in the province of Catalunia.
Its economic and demographic aspects are based on the notarial documents for a period of 9 years at the
end of the 13th century found in the local archives.
The present index includes 42 surnames with their given names, the year and place, and the reference.
Although the book is dedicated to Santa Coloma de Querlalt, one Jew is is from Barcelona, two are from Cervera, one from
Guimera, one from Lerida and one from Montealbo. The documents cover the 9 years of 1290-1299 and therefore cover only
a small segment of the names of the region.