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Oriental Jews in Erets Israel
from the book:
Gaon, Moshe David. Yehudei HaMizrah beEretz Israel
Vol 2 (which contains the 750 page biographical dictionary), Jerusalem, 1938.
Annotated Index Compiled by Mathilde Tagger

Moshe David Gaon was born in Macedonia in 1889. After getting a degree from the Vienna University (Austria), he immigrated to Erets Yisrael and settled in Jerusalem. He was a school master in various primary schools in Jerusalem, Izmir [Smyrna] (Turkey) and in Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Upon returning to Jerusalem he became a member of the Sephardi Community Committee and at the same time a Municipal Council member until his death in 1958. Very active, he published many publications among which the most important is this two volumes book, published in 1928 & 1938 and a bibliographical historical survey of the Ladino press.

This is a biographical dictionary of some 2750 rabbis, scholars and notables etc., born in Spain, Provence in France, Italy, the Ottoman Empire including the Balkans and the Middle East and North Africa. A great majority of these persons have visited Erets Israel or immigrated to it.

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