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Tunis Rabbis
Tombstone Inscriptions in Tunis Old Cemetery

Index prepared by Mathilde Tagger


Mathilde A. Tagger

  Rodolphe Raphael Arditti was "Chief Rabbi delegated to the Tunisian government at Jewish social and voluntary societies". While in Tunis he wrote three books1 and several articles. The present index is based on his article entitled: "Rabbinical Tombstone Inscriptions in the old cemetery of Tunis" that appeared in: Revue Tunisienne, 1931, 1: 105-119, 405-411 & 1932, 2: 99-111 .
  This annotated index includes 87 tombstone inscriptions of Tunis Rabbis who died during the period 1715-1898.
  The annotations include biographical details and titles of books written by these rabbis.
  This compilation shows the composition of Tunis Jewish community while a part of these rabbis were Tunisian local Jews and the other part were members of Tunis Portuguese community2.
1 a) La première année de thèmes hébraïques : suivis d?un lexique français-hébreu des mots contenus dans l?ouvrage. Tunis (no date).
  b) Recueil des textes legislatives et juridiques concernant les Israelites de Tunisie de 1857 a 1913. Tunis, 1915.
  c) Manuel de l'enseignement religieux pour les candidates a la "Bar-Mitswa" . Tunis : E. Saliba, 1931
2 For more details on the Portuguese community of Tunis see Jeff Malka's article at: https://www.sephardicgen.com/tunis.htm

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