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Marriages held at
The Bevis Marks Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, London

Index prepared by
Mathilde Tagger


The Bevis Marks Spanish and Portuguese synagogue in London was built in 1701 and is the oldest still in use in England.
This Congregation has published several volumes of its records. The Library of the Ben Zvi Institute in Jerusalem only holds 2 volumes:

1. Abstracts of the Ketubot or marriage-contracts of the Congregation from earliest times until 1837. Board of Elders of the Congregation; Oxford: printed at the University Press, 1940-1949.
2. Abstracts of the Ketubot or marriage-contracts and of the civil marriage registers of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation for the period 1837-1901 with an introduction and index by G.H. Whitehill. London: Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation and the Jewish Historical Society of England, 1973

In view of authorship copyright, the present index only shows the surnames of the couples, the number of times the surname is recorded and the period overed by the volume in which they were found. Some references to the surnames have been added for facilitating the search in the books.


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